
sobre o CAQ, interpretando-as enquanto regulamentação do dever estatal que se expressa no princípio da adoção de medidas com o máximo de recursos disponíveis e progressivamente até o pleno exercício dos direitos educacionais. Palavras-chave : Direito à Educação. Financiamento da Educação. Padrão Mínimo de Qualida- de. Custo Aluno-Qualidade. Plano Nacional de Educação. ABSTRACT The article analyzes the reconfiguration of the elementary education funding stablished by the new National Education Plan (PNE), focusing on the consolidation of a regime of progressive implementation of the mechanism named ‘Cost of Quality Education per Student’ (CAQ) and the insertion of this mechanism in the Federal Constitution, pursuant to Constitutional Amendment n. 108/2020. To do so, a brief report about the normative reconfiguration of the education funding is presented, linking the successive constitutional and legal reforms to the new arrangements set out in the PNE and Constitution. Then, the article specifically examines the constitutional and legal basis of the CAQ, resuming their development to better understand the meaning of the implementation scheme approved in PNE (2014) and Constitution (2020), with emphasis on an issue that can be considered the major victory for those who advocate for public schools within the Plan: the explicit acknowledgment of the federal government duty on progressively funding the CAQ throughout the country. With Amendment 108, it is recognized that the Union’s duty to ensure the minimum standard of quality will be based on the CAQ, agreed upon in federal collaboration. In the last part of the article, a specific study about the strategies of PNE regarding the CAQ is carried out, aiming to interpret them as regulators of the state’s obligation expressed in accordance with the principle that sets out the adoption of measures with the maximum of available resources and progressively until the full accomplishment of the educational rights. 140 Educação é da Nossa Conta - Construções, Palavras e Produtos

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